Schezwan Quinoa Bowl
Servings Prep Time
4bowls 10 minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
4bowls 10 minutes
Cook Time
  1. Prepare quinoa according to package directions but sauté 1 onion first and add to quinoa.
  2. Heat up 1 tbsp of oil and sauté enoki mushrooms, adding turmeric and salt to taste.
  3. Over a medium flame, crack an egg into an oiled pan. Let the egg cook until the edges are golden brown, the whites are fully opaque and the yolk is still runny!
  4. Time to build our bowl!
  5. Mix the quinoa with the homemade schezwan sauce. Place on a plate and top with Korean beef. Add the mushrooms and pickled veggies on top. Top with the crispy egg and sprinkle everything with scallions.