You know those nights when you don’t feel like grocery shopping?
I have plenty of those nights. Sometimes it’s because it’s cold outside, but others I’m just plain lazy. When that happens, as long as my fridge isn’t completely bare (in which case I would reach for a “just add hot water” meal) I try to make dinner work with whatever is on hand. So tonight I opened my fridge after making the decision to not leave the house, and saw that my fridge was a mess—it needed a serious cleanup. After throwing out anything that was well on its way out, I emptied out the vegetable drawer to see what I had to work with. I ended up with some very random things: half a pack of black lentil sprouts, cherry tomatoes, some leftover sugar snap peas, some different kinds of mushrooms, half a jalapeno, and some scallions and ginger.

I felt like there were a couple directions I could have taken dinner in with those ingredients: think stir-fry or roasted veggies. But with the chilly wind outside, a soup sounded most appealing. I wasn’t sure how the lentil sprouts would react in water (would they be like dry lentils and swell after absorbing the water?) or if all the flavors would even go together. But, I figured soup is soup. It’s so forgiving, what could go wrong? And I was definitely right! I started off with a light saute of the onions, scallion whites, mushrooms, and garlic. Then I added in the water with all the veggies and seasonings (I didn’t even use broth, and it really didn’t need it) and waited to see the results of my experiment. And after a half-hour simmer, it was perfection.

It had such a delicious taste, kind of like that addicting MSG taste that reminded me of artificial chicken soup powder which is definitely no good for you but you just can’t deny how yummy it tastes! And that’s the best part, this soup was made so naturally, only seasoned with things I found in my vinegar and spice drawer! I added some orzo in to make it a full meal and everyone was left feeling super satisfied.
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Veggie Orzo Soup
In a large stock pot heat up the olive oil over a medium flame. Add in the onions and scallion whites. Sauté for 5 minutes until golden. Add in the mushrooms and garlic and let sauté for 2-3 minutes, just until slightly softened.
Add in the water, the piece of ginger, black lentils, cherry tomatoes, jalapeno, soy sauce, sherry, salt, pepper, and paprika. Cover the pot and bring to a boil. Lower the flame and allow to simmer for at least 30 minutes. The longer it simmers, the more the tastes will become strong and the black lentils will absorb. They do not absorb like dried lentils do, only just a little.
Five minutes before serving add in the sugar snap peas.
Place orzo in individual bowls (do not mix this into the soup as it will keep absorbing and if you have leftover soup it will ruin it). Ladle in soup and top with scallion greens ad some fresh black lentils for garnish.